Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Drowning World By Brenda Petereon

I won't lie to you, I honestly never read a book about mermaids (exempting the books about The Little Mermaid, I read as a child.) This novel was surprisingly amazing. I was stunned by Brenda Peterson's imagination.

This futuristic novel tells the story of Marina and Lukas, two different people from differnt worlds. Marina, a mermaid priestess of the sea world called Aquantis, who is on her first mission to SkyeWorld in the year 2020. In this polluted SkyeWorld Marina must choose between love and home.

This novel did take me a few chapters to get into. I was quite bored with Marina at first, but once it got to Lukas' POV, I became quite facinated with them both. Marina and Lukas, to be quite frank, almost sounded like the same person. There was little I could detect that was different about first. I loved the romance between the chacters, and the new technologies were presented. In fact it is quite advanced. I'm not realling going to go into much more detail than that. I need to leave you some surprises.

I absolutely love how Brenda uses real world problems in this novel. It's not one of the (now) typical sci-fi novels. The recent ones now deal with corrupted governments, and horrifying futures. While I do love those novels The Drownint world was like a breath of frest air. From beginning to end, this novel was like nothing I have ever read before.

The ending left room for the sequal. Wow. It was a fantastic ending, that left me wanting more. The whole novel left me wanting more. It is a capivating tale, that I would highly reccomend.

4/5 stars for me.

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